Glencore’s Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations (Sudbury INO) has been recognized for its “outstanding performance” in creating a safe, environmentally friendly operation.
Sudbury INO has received a special Towards Sustainable Mining (TMO) Leadership Award, which is granted only when an operation meets or exceeds a level “A” ranking in its results across six performance areas of the TSM initiative: Safety and health, aboriginal and community outreach, crisis management, tailings management, biodiversity conservation management and energy use and greenhouse gas emissions management. In addition to the TSM Leadership Award, Sudbury INO was also recognized with TSM Performance Awards for each of the six performance areas of TSM, based on its 2013 results.
Marc Boissonneault, Glencore vice president, said he was honoured to accept the award on behalf of all employees at Sudbury INO. “Many of the milestones that we have accomplished in our sustainable development performance are a direct result of the contributions of our employees across all levels in our organization and so this is quite special,” Boissonneault said.
While the Sudbury INO’s scores reflect leadership across all TSM performance areas, it also stands out for demonstrating best practices in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions management. In this area, the operations achieved the highest possible ranking, level “AAA”, across all of the indicators that make up this protocol.